You’ve probably heard this said countless times already, but it is true: Raising children can be one of the most rewarding and challenging endeavors we…
As parents, we want to guide our children the best we can. We want to save them from the countless mistakes we’ve made over the…
As reported in a recent issue of Scientific American Mind, sleep deprivation can result in “power failures” in the brain. Study participants were deprived of…
Another favorite saying that I hear and use a lot is, “It is what it is.” This seemingly obvious statement holds great power if we…
In my previous post, I discussed the importance of accepting the fact that an inescapable reality of life is that we suffer. I am not…
This is a continuation of my last post on the importance of social relationships. If you haven’t read that blog, perhaps start by reading that…
We all have the psychology needs for power and control. The perception that we have power and control helps us to feel happy. It is…